Nokia 6600 repair

Nokia repair 6600 Insert simcard
1. Check and clean simcard connector
2. Resolder asip emif (buffer) for simcard
replace buffer (asip emif simcard) if needed.
3. Resolder UEM (be carefull to do this)
4. Trace circuit (need nokia 6600 schematic)

Nokia repair 6600 Vibrator
1. Check and clean vibrator connector
2. Check vibrator, replace vibrator if needed.
3. Trace circuit (need nokia 6600 schematic)

Nokia repair 6600 bluetooth
1. Check if file manager can not to access.
2. Update firmware without bluetooth
if flashing success, probably bluetooth problem
3. Replace bluetooth with a new one and reflash firmware.
4. If not solved trace circuit (need nokia 6600 schematic)